Heath Sherratt
7 min readOct 22, 2020


The Prophet has no voice in the lost identity of the American Church

I am a prophet of God and no one cares. No one finds that fascinating anymore, I’m “Just another weirdo that can’t cope with reality”. This message is for you, especially if you’re a part of the church. I mean, who cares what God thinks anyways, hasn’t He abandoned us? Aren’t we all just left here to live in doubt and self benefit until we die or until our circumstances change enough that we actually have to do something about all the corruption and destruction we know is goin on in the world? I mean come on…Trump? Trump? You all think he’s Gods representative on the planet? Could you pick someone a little closer…like, I don’t know, maybe Richard Rohr? But Trump? For fucks sake, the devil wouldn’t even own his level of narcissism. Trump is the epitome of who God sends to a nation that thinks they don’t need God any more. That’s really all I can say about how far the church has strayed off the path, and like the letters say, either you can see it, or you can’t. I can tell you how far you have strayed in your understanding and vanity, but it’s up to you to ask for ears to hear.

But you refuse. So “we” refuse to acknowledge what “we” already know. and the divide between God and man grows and we call it cognitive dissonance. We choose to believe that because we have money in the bank and the sky isn’t on fire (oh wait…it is) then we are in Gods good graces. Well…take it from me. We are not. God is not happy. God is not pleased with our cognitive dissonance. He desires that we stop calling the system “an act of God” and wants us to change the system that WE created over centuries of bloodshed, slavery, oppression, and greed…all in the name of the American Dream. No, this does not change how hard you worked to get were you are today, but it acknowledges that the path has been intentionally more difficult for others and by acknowledging that we can begin to build a better future for everybody, not just you and yours. Rising tides lift all boats and all that…

God wants to see deep core values built back into what it means to be a human being. He wants to see us get back to using technology for shortening our work week, not making it so we have to work every moment of every day. She wants us to take what we know and to speak life into existence. God doesn’t want us to pour oil on the wildlife or leech dry all the resources of our planet that sustains our very lives. God doesn’t want us to cause extinction and disease in the name of progress or turn a blind eye to the suffering of our neighbors because it gets in the way of binge watching our favorite nudie show that keeps us just horny enough to stay faithful one more night to that significant other that we promised our lifelong devotion to. We’ll get to it tomorrow, I just need a good nights rest so I can attack the day tomorrow. One sweet night of good rest and tomorrow I will change the world… but our “enough” is never… enough. Like death and fire, we are never quenched, and the days drip on with nothing changing.

When we come clean with the fact that we don’t want to be home with our families because we don’t have the first fucking clue how to communicate with them and that it feels like you are living in a house full of strangers and they’re all just mouths to feed, bodies to house and clothe and emotional bags of suck that haven’t done the hard spiritual, emotional, relationship work that makes a house a home, then we can own up to the choices that we have made about work being our new god and money and entertainment our new cultural saints. Then we can make tomorrow the scapegoat we can blame for why we didn’t do anything to change the world today….there’s always tomorrow. We can just continue…to work more, eat more, and spend more so we can stay out of the ranks of those poor pathetic losers that can’t provide for themselves and haven’t found a way to fix their miserable lives and probably never will. We can’t end up like them, we can’t be losers. We can’t be seen fraternizing with the help…we have to be above all of that.

Well I got news for y’all, Jesus never condemned anyone for individual sins…but He sure as hell condemned the corporate giants that ruled the land. He condemned the church, the government, the corrupt systems that oppressed the poor and the hurting…and in the Old testament, he condemned the cities and countries and nations that chose to focus on profits, comfort, and false idols instead of taking care of their families, the widows, and the orphans. The ones that tried to build their fame into the sky…the ones that ignored the broken victim of a mugging that was left on the side of the road to die, God condemned them. He condemns the man that condemns themselves with the words they speak and the deeds they don’t do. For if you know what is good, and don’t do it, you sin.

It’s time to accept that WE are the problem, because WE are the authority. It’s not an us vs. them, end sum game. There is no “all powerful” illuminati or wealthy group of elites that make all our decisions for us…it’s the decisions that we make everyday. We can choose to stop driving to work today, we can choose to get a job closer to home, eat a meal with our family, get to know our kids and take walks outside. We can choose to support your local neighbors business instead of ordering the next toy or gadget from santa’s workshop so it arrives wrapped in a box on our porch so that we feel special. We can choose to plant a garden and read a book to learn from the collective wisdom of our society, we can choose compassion, we can choose love, we can choose life. But the reality is…We choose the status quo. We decide every day that we are going to get what we think we deserve, and when it doesn’t happen, we drown ourselves in self medication and we internalize the blame that we place on the “system”. Well, guess what? We ARE the system. WE are the reason we don’t have time to spend with our family or time to get to know our neighbor. We choose daily who we are going to be. We choose who is in power and who isn’t. We choose what is acceptable and what isn’t. Death and taxes aren’t guaranteed, they are choices we make every day. Do you want to choose taxes? Do you want to choose death?

The devil doesn’t make you do anything. You will wake up tomorrow and decide to get in your fossil fuel burning vehicle, drive two miles to spend $13 on coffee and pastries and leave early enough to get away before your family is up and needs anything from you. You drive in your personal carriage (ignoring the incentives to carpool and be social and environmentally conscious at the same time) that carries you quickly to your house of worship where you complain about the government, your facebook “friends”, and the state of the world today. All the while, you work for a faceless, soulless corporate entity that steals your life and the communities taxes away like a thief in plain sight every day. Which then reminds you that you worked hard today and you deserve a beer or three so you choose a spot to treat yo self to three or four pints and you get into that half ton automobile and you drive just slightly buzzed(.10 BAC) on a street full of distracted drivers in cars that need to be automated so we don’t all constantly kill each other because we are so desperate to feel better that we keep pressing the haptic screens to get our dopamine dumps that now rule our attention spans and our hormonal, neurological systems like we were desperate junkie heroin fiends like that opiate addicted teenager neighbor you refuse to acknowledge back at home. And when you finally arrive home, late, to a family you know another whole day less, you just want to watch your show and get a good nights rest so you can do it all again tomorrow. But you’re not the problem…it’s the damn system. You have no responsibility.

This is how we continue to build the pile of self resentment and denial so high that the gnawing, uncomfortable feeling we have created in the dissonance of our minds is now manifesting in your body as stress and that stress and dis-ease is slowly becoming your only sense of identity. The change in who you are and who you think you are has become complete when it manifests itself in a way that threatens the very life you don’t know what to do with. That good ole cognitive dissonance has become such a part of you that now it has become the death of you. And in your new fight against cancer or obesity or heart disease or what ever your stress and lavish, ignorant, gluttonous, irresponsible living has manifested itself as in your life…when you do finally feel a tiny bit of conviction because you’re now facing your own mortality, probably for the first time, it feels weird to NOT have that terrible feeling constantly reminding you that you’re NOT DOING A FUCKING THING TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE.



Heath Sherratt

Progressive by character, adventurous by necessity, and honorable by virtue.